A community hub in the north end of Dartmouth is going to be a whole other sense of comfort for residents in that area of town.
The North Grove has partnered with HRM to be a comfort centre in the event of an emergency, like a hurricane or major weather event.
Laura Horn, Director of Programs and Services tells our newsroom it’s the first time a comfort centre, designated by HRM, is going to be run by a community organization.
“So, it’s actually going to be a mixture of North Grove staff and volunteers…and we did a training session with HRM that was really helpful, just in terms of like.. you know… what is a comfort center? How is it different than an evacuation sort of situation or shelter? What are the kinds of things that we will provide to the community?”
Horn says they will have hot drinks, hot food, up-to-date information and places where people can charge their devices.
HRM will ultimately decide and let the public know whether or not they are open.
“Then”, Horn says, “it’s really going to be North Grove staff and volunteers with familiar faces for the community who are going to be there on the day.”
Getting ready
Learning they were going to take this on, was a bit of an ‘unknown’ for staff and some were not sure.
However, Horn says, as they planning got underway everybody was motivated by the same thing.
“We know the people in the community, we want to be able to be there to support them. And as the planning has happened over the last, you know, several months to a year, people have become much more confident…and I would say like, really, really ready to go in terms of …you know… having all the details ready and being there to support the community.”
Horne adds that she hopes this move will provide a sense of security to the community knowing this facility, a safe place on a regular day, will be there for them when they have no power and are scared and worried about what support they may have.
“They know that North Grove will be there for them.”