April’s full moon, also known as the Pink Moon, will be fully visible tonight with 99.77% illumination.
East Coast communities are regularly subjected to cloudy skies or rainy weather during most lunar events, but with only a 30% chance of showers tonight, Nova Scotians may be in luck.
No, the moon itself will not be pink, the name comes from a form of pink moss called Phlox that blooms early spring in the North East. Although if the conditions are just right, the moon may actually appear to be a hazy pink as it begins to rise through a phenomenon known as the belt of Venus — a band of pink sky stretched along the eastern horizon just after the Sun has set in the west. This colour is caused by tiny particles in the air — dust, pollen, etc. If skies are clear early Wednesday morning between 5am and 6am, this phenomenon could make another appearance.
Tonight’s full Pink Moon is set to begin rising at 8:08pm.